Spreadsheets to DCIM in 20 Minutes, is the first in a series of live, web based information sessions presented by Cormant Inc., the developers of Cormant-CS. This information session reviews how customers can get instant value from their existing spreadsheet records by importing these records into Cormant-CS. This session covers topics such as:

Reviewing typical spreadsheet records
Examining the normalization process
Performing asset data imports into Cormant-CS
Adding the imported racks to the plan in Cormant-CS
Creating user defined reports
Visualization of data on Dashboards
These sessions are limited to 20 attendees. To receive an invitation, please contact our Corporate Sales and Marketing department at sales@cormant.biz or enter your request to attend the next monthly webinar on our Contact Us feature.

A View from Data Center Worlds – USA and UK

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In March various members of the Cormant team presented Cormant DCIM (Data Center Infrastructure Management) at Data Center World San Antonio, TX, USA and Data Center World London, UK. Over two days at each event we met, literally, hundreds of people and had some great conversations. The DCIM (and beyond) interest at both shows was greater than we have previously seen, and in many cases those conversations were with people who already knew why they want DCIM. This is certainly a change from a few years ago and perhaps in part a reflection on the market maturity we are starting to see. I’d like to think the Cormant team did a great job explaining why Cormant-CS provides the best solution to customers. Cormant-CS provides a complete feature set in an easy to use web and mobile based system supported by full consulting, implementation services and training. Cormant boasts satisfied customers from 2003 who still maintain and regularly upgrade their Cormant-CS system. I think this is pretty remarkable, given how many “DCIM” solutions have come and gone in that time.

We do still get the question, “Why do I need DCIM when my team is managing our current data centers with spreadsheets?” This is best summed up by a large company I spoke to at one of the shows who admitted they recently did an audit of their racked equipment and equipment in storage and found 18% of the equipment they audited was not in use or had never been used. The equipment found was either not powered, had no live data connection, had crashed long ago, or was not being used as the applications had been migrated off the machine. In some cases the servers were still brand new, in-box, in a store room but were now a generation or two behind what they use. I did tell this company they were far from alone and in over 15 years we have yet to find more than two or three companies who stated their data was almost perfect and actually had no significant data issues when an audit was done. Cormant advises that the initial DCIM implementation goal is to get current data into the Cormant-CS solution and at the same time put processes in place to drive DCIM use and increase data accuracy over time. Adoption is often easy as people actually want a system they can get value from (rarely the case with spreadsheets). Providing useful data to management and other teams is typically what drives expanded use and further rollout.

Thanks to everyone who talked to us at the events, we really appreciated the conversations. We are looking forward to catching up with the many new contacts we made in the coming weeks.

Paul Goodison

April 2018


Click to see additional photos of the Cormant booth from the USA and UK shows!

What I Have Come to Understand About DCIM

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A personal note from Steve Allegretti.

2017 was another learning year for me in the world of DCIM.   All of the private companies I spoke with last year had the same basic challenges of:

  • Optimizing Asset Management
  • Efficiently Monitoring Power and Environmental Factors
  • Creating Relevant Alerts
  • Change Management Best Practices
  • Streamlining Report Functionality

Companies overall goals were the reduction of risk and cost. Of course, each company has their own unique requirements as well, on the data elements they want to store and the reporting they want to define. Lack of budget, deployment concerns and not enough ROI is what generally holds companies back from taking advantage of DCIM’s benefits.

Companies that did elect to purchase the Cormant solution in 2017 were able to not only meet the above challenges but were able to go above and beyond their expectations with our solution. We offer proven customized implementation services for a smooth deployment.  We even had a customer that did their own implementation, showcasing the conclusion that the Cormant solution is really that easy for an end user.

The Cormant-CS DCIM solution is also highly configurable, capable of delivering numerous benefits and value when managing IT and facility assets as well as layer 1 connectivity. The streamlined interface allows for minimal training – though recommended – and requires no vendor assistance for upgrade.  With all features being point and click, the Cormant-CS DCIM solution has proven #1 in the industry for 2017. I can’t wait to dive into 2018.

Happy New Year!

How User Friendly Is Cormant-CS, Really?

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As a newby to the DCIM industry and a recent onboard as a Cormant Software Solutions Consultant, I am honored to have the opportunity to share my experience learning and applying the Cormant-CS software solution to my first project à Document the Cormant HQ Office in San Luis Obispo, CA using the Cormant-CS software solution with approximately 14 days of experience under my belt.

Now, I believe I weigh heavy on the analytical side and have a keen ability to utilize my resources efficiently when tasked with a complex project in a professionally unchartered industry. With a busy Q4 wrapping up, I was introduced to the Cormant-CS Web and Client via the robust User and Admin/Config Training Manuals, given login credentials and a go-ahead to get started!

Let’s first step back and understand the limited level of my experience and knowledge in the DCIM industry and how I was able to balance that with my extensive experience in SaaS, technical sales, software applications training, complex implementation planning, functional engagement and end user documentation.  By further operating with a methodical mind and a process oriented approach, I was able to piece together the puzzle of unknowns and could “phone a friend” when needing a resource. I analyzed samples of the Cormant-CS Client and Web to build my custom asset tree on the Cormant-CS Web and started my DCIM journey of documenting IT infrastructure, learning how to create a hierarchy of organization, learning to identify unknown components by being proactive and curious, and understanding what devices can be connected to what, many learned through well versed error message pop ups in the programs workflow.  The Client facing side of the software program allowed me to master template creation feature, easily adding subcomponents and building attributes to customize the available options for completing my project, though much of the Cormant-CS Client has now moved to the Web.  The latest version release, v9.1 has almost removed the desktop client entirely.

I’ll admit I ran into many challenges yet the Cormant-CS software is streamlined in such a way that a new user can easily follow the bouncing ball to understand the processes involved in making the necessary, methodical changes to continue the documentation and organizational process. I used a mix of the handheld device, the web and desktop client application, to fully document the Cormant office.  The handheld made tracking the inventory of racks, switches, patch panels, servers and other office components simple through the rich mobile application and barcode reading feature.  I wrapped up the project with a lesson on connections, making cable and power connections not only within the web application but also via the handheld with ease and fulfilling short cuts.

I was also able to configure reports on the CS Web to determine which assets/components were missing barcodes to better complete and log my asset tree. The handheld device was a fluid mirror of what I saw on the CS Web platform and the convenience and security of having that device in my “data center” was second to none.

In short, this was not only a DCIM exercise but also demonstrated how Cormant-CS is able to work in campus type environments to document office and multiple building campus environments.

I further was able to intuitively created new user profiles and permissions on the Admin side and custom tailor my landing page at login, which I found very handy.

In conclusion, the software suite is extremely user friendly and intuitive.  The UI is simple and feature rich with the training manuals and coordinating exercises being very educational to a new user who is onboarding with the Cormant-CS software solution.  As a result, I was able to document the entire office IT infrastructure using practical application to not only manage the configuration but also document at such detail that any new future change needed could be easily tracked, recorded and updated with ease. If you look closely, you will find that I was able to document the office components and related connections all the way down to a Christmas cookie tin in the lobby area.  For the record, they are shortbread.

By: Irina Astrom

Software Solutions Consultant, Cormant

Cormant Delivers DCOI Metrics Capability to Enable Federal Data Centers to Quickly Meet Compliance Goals

Delivering DCOI Capture, Reporting and Auditing capability within Cormant-CS, provides Government Data Centers a complete, cost effective solution to drive compliance and manage data center efficiency.

San Luis Obispo, California, USA, March 15th, 2017 – Cormant Inc., a pure-play developer of complete, easy-to-use data center infrastructure management (DCIM) software, today announces that it is the first DCIM solution to offer a full suite of DCOI metrics, including dashboards and reports, as part of its standard DCIM solution. The 2016 Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI) from the Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) mandates that all data centers under the control of federal government agencies optimize existing facilities and report on their progress with a goal of late 2018 for compliance. The US Government DCOI Implementation program lists five key optimization metrics to be reported on by federally-controlled data centers and summarized at an agency level. At Cormant 15 years of experience demonstrates that no two data centers are exactly alike, so Cormant delivers its suite of DCOI metrics as part of its open, configurable DCIM solution. This means that each data center can rapidly deploy DCIM and refine the metrics captured as instrumentation is added or additional data captured.

“Cormant uses its proven implementation methodology to work with customers to deploy the Cormant-CS DCIM solution, quickly and cost effectively”, said Brad Beamish, Director, Professional Services for Cormant. Brad added, “Cormant’s unique configuration capabilities deliver DCOI metrics rapidly and accommodate a wide range of data center types while still providing data that is accurate, actionable and auditable.”

Cormant provides a full set of DCOI data points at the server, rack, data center and agency level, along with historical data capture, reporting, dashboards and network queries. The Cormant-CS DCOI package includes a set of goals that are used to track progress against the current federal standards. DCOI metrics are delivered using Cormant’s unique configuration ability, meaning if the metrics or goals set by the government change, adjusting to the new metrics will be quick and will not require additional software updates from Cormant.

The Cormant-CS DCOI solution is:

  • Delivered as part of the core solution with no additional modules to purchase. This includes data elements, calculations and roll up, reporting and dashboard widgets.
  • An open and flexible delivery of all metrics, allowing configuration to support a wide range of data center instrumentation maturity levels and track progress showing progress towards the mandated goals.
  • Backed up and supported by the Cormant implementation and consulting teams and strong data migration capability, to ensure each data center is up-and-running with Cormant DCIM in weeks not months.

“At Cormant we know DCIM needs to be quick to deploy, intuitive to use and provide a strong ROI”. explains Paul Goodison, Chief Executive Officer at Cormant. “By providing the DCOI metrics as part of the core solution, we can encourage adoption and provide excellent value to the federal government.” added Goodison.

Product Partnership Transforms Data Center Data Collection
San Luis Obispo, CA, USA, September 20, 2015 – Cormant, Inc., a pure-play expert of easy-to-use data center infrastructure management (DCIM) software, and Emerson (NYSE: EMR), a global leader in bringing technology and engineering together to provide innovative solutions for customers, today announced a business partnership. The alliance between Emerson’s Therm-O-Disc business and Cormant, Inc. provide customers additional insight within the complete DCIM solution that will simplify data collection and improve the efficiency of the data center landscape.

Data center managers implement DCIM tools to help reduce recurring energy costs by optimizing the data center environmentals, such as temperature, power, and humidity, as well as during server consolidations. All information is displayed in a single platform reducing the complexity and inaccuracy from having multiple data sources. Environmental data enhances the overall data center visibility, as solved by this partnership.

“Optimizing your data center’s ambient temperature down to the rack level can provide huge operating cost savings,” said Julie Mullins, Cormant’s Head of Marketing and Channel Development. “We’re excited to provide a plug-and-play interface with Emerson’s wireless sensors to achieve a time-saving, cost-effective way for customers to collect and display impactful data center information.”

Emerson’s wireless sensors enable reliable, secure and real-time monitoring and control of the data center environments utilizing WirelessHART, a highly secure communications protocol. As a wireless solution, Emerson’s technology for the data center is easier to deploy, reconfigure, expand and maintain compared to a wired system, saving the end user time and money. Emerson’s WirelessHART solution takes it to the next level by delivering unique encryption security, high data transmission reliability, and open standard compatibility.

The Cormant-CS DCIM solution combines all of the Emerson’s wireless sensor environmental data with detailed IT information about the facility, enterprise assets, infrastructure, and related connectivity to enhance decision-making with analytics and dashboards. Within Cormant-CS, users can configure environmental data to trigger Alerts when levels of temperature, humidity, or any other data point are reaching levels of concern.

According to William Stevenson, Director of Global Power and Environment for Therm-O-Disc, “The combination of Emerson’s wireless sensors and Cormant-CS provides the data center market with an advanced and integrated technology option for one-source environmental management solutions.”

To see the Cormant-CS DCIM solution with integrated data from Emerson’s wireless sensors, visit, booth #423 at AFCOM’s Data Center World at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland on September 21-22, 2015.

About Cormant, Inc.
Cormant has been an expert at IT infrastructure management software for the data center (DCIM) and beyond since 2001. Boasting a 94% customer retention rate, Cormant’s solutions are sold globally with customers and partners on six continents encompassing all industries. Cormant is focused on working with customers to improve their management, control and reporting processes by delivering Cormant-CS, a DCIM solution that provides a single-pane-of-glass view to where the physical and logical layers of IT infrastructure meet. Learn more on how Cormant keeps business personal at www.cormant.com and connect with us on LinkedIn.

About Emerson
Emerson (NYSE:EMR), based in St. Louis, Missouri (USA), is a global leader in bringing Technology and engineering together to provide innovative solutions for customers in industrial, commercial, and consumer markets around the world. The company is comprised of five Business segments: Process Management, Industrial Automation, Network Power, Climate Technologies, and Commercial & Residential Solutions. Sales in fiscal 2013 were $24.7 billion. For more information, visit www.Emerson.com.

About Therm-O-Disc
Therm-O-Disc, part of Emerson Climate Technologies, is a leader in the design and manufacturer of sensors and controls for multiple industrial and consumer industries. The company’s product line includes a broad range of specialized sensing capabilities, including bimetal and NTC temperature, differential pressure, relative humidity, thermal cutoffs, and wireless communications. Therm-O-Disc is headquartered in Mansfield, Ohio. For more Information, visit www.tod.com.


PR Contact:
Julie Mullins
+1 805 776 3992

Data center infrastructure management evaluation was based on the completeness of vision and the ability to execute.

San Luis Obispo, Calif., USA – Cormant, Inc., a data center infrastructure management (DCIM) pure-play expert, today announced its second consecutive inclusion as a Visionary in the 2015 DCIM Gartner Magic Quadrant.

According to Gartner, “DCIM is a powerful tool for enabling capex and opex savings, because it assists data center and facilities managers in their quest to continuously reoptimize data center power, cooling and physical space.”

“Due to the inclusive nature of the Cormant-CS DCIM solution, there are endless possibilities to what the software can do,” Paul Goodison, Cormant’s CEO added. “With complete configurability, a focus on mobility and integrations to capture and aggregate all useful data into a single source, and then transform that data with robust analytics, Cormant-CS DCIM has become a must-have solution in the data center.”

Cormant recently launched Cormant-CS version 8 with a focus on user efficiency. The latest version includes a new, ergonomically designed infrastructure console for navigational ease, alerts for proactive management, and over fifty more enhancements. These added to the innovations previously established in the software including what-if scenarios and an easy way to manage MPO connections, something rarely offered in DCIM solutions yet used frequently by data center managers.

“Cormant has proved its solid presence in a shifting market of acquisitions, divestitures, and late entrants,” said Cormant’s CTO, Paul Friday. “We continue to offer an easy-to-use solution with features our customers care about the most at a surprisingly affordable price-point.”

For more information on the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Infrastructure Management Tools, published October 21, 2015, please visit www.gartner.com.

About Cormant, Inc.
Cormant has been an expert at IT infrastructure management software for the data center (DCIM) and beyond since 2001. Boasting a 94% customer retention rate, Cormant’s solutions are sold globally with customers and partners on six continents encompassing all industries. Cormant is focused on working with customers to improve their management, control and reporting processes by delivering Cormant-CS, a DCIM solution that provides a single-pane-of-glass view to where the physical and logical layers of IT infrastructure meet. Learn more on how Cormant keeps business personal at www.cormant.com and connect with us on LinkedIn.

Disclaimer: Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Source: Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Data Center Infrastructure Management Tools, April Adams, David J. Cappuccio, Jay E. Pultz, Neha Kumar, Tiny Haynes, Federico De Silva, Henrique Cecci, Naveen Mishra, 21 October 2015.


Read the original release at: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/11/prweb13057480.htm


Placement reiterates Cormant’s established strength as a holistic data centre infrastructure management (DCIM) software provider.

San Luis Obispo, Calif., USA – (Oct 27, 2015) – Cormant, Inc., a data center infrastructure management (DCIM) pure-play expert, today announced its position as a “Major Player” in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Datacenter Infrastructure Management 2015 Vendor Assessment (Doc #259603, October 2015).

“We’re honored to be publicly recognized for Cormant-CS’s strength of its ecosystem built around core usability characteristics,” Paul Goodison, Cormant’s CEO explained. “It’s this ecosystem that enables customer success so they have the time and confidence to build upon that success by tapping into new features to solve additional business problems year after year.”

Cormant continues to advance its features in coordination with customer needs. As described in the press release, New IDC MarketScape Evaluates Datacenter Infrastructure Management Vendors, users should be aware of the tool’s ability to integrate, scale, and provide predictive analytics. Each of these were addressed or enriched in the recently launched Cormant-CS DCIM version 8.

Integrations: Cormant-CS DCIM has always had an open API, but has since advanced its API to include progressive plug-and-play interface options for many of the leading data center software tools. Cormant has interfaced with many systems, making it the centralized source of truth for all data center information for hundreds of companies. Cormant-CS can provide alerts on any data point from any integrated system.

Scalability: Cormant’s unique pricing structure makes it a feasible and scalable solution for companies of all sizes. It has global deployments in some of the world’s largest companies, including three of the top ten global banks, as well as smaller, single-site deployments for both high-growth and established organizations.

Predictive analytics: Cormant improved its what-if and Workflow analytics earlier this year. Users can generate reports on affected devices in the power chain during PDU or UPS failures. Users can also identify optimal rack locations for new equipment based on weighted or unweighted data. More analytics and corresponding reports are currently available and even more are being frequently added.

Cormant has been included in all IDC MarketScapes for DCIM including the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Datacenter Infrastructure Management 2013 Vendor Analysis, May 2013, Doc #241280 and the IDC MarketScape: Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan) Datacenter Infrastructure Management Solution 2014 Vendor Assessment, Oct 2014, Doc #AP250842. For more information on the 2015 IDC DCIM MarketScape, visit IDC here.

About Cormant, Inc.
Cormant has been an expert at IT infrastructure management software for the data center (DCIM) and beyond since 2001. Boasting a 94% customer retention rate, Cormant’s solutions are sold globally with customers and partners on six continents encompassing all industries. Cormant is focused on working with customers to improve their management, control and reporting processes by delivering Cormant-CS, a DCIM solution that provides a single-pane-of-glass view to where the physical and logical layers of IT infrastructure meet. Learn more on how Cormant keeps business personal at www.cormant.com and connect with us on LinkedIn.

About IDC MarketScape
The IDC MarketScape vendor analysis model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT (information and communications technology) suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor’s position within a given market. IDC MarketScape provides a clear framework in which the product and service offerings, capabilities and strategies, and current and future market success factors of IT and telecommunication vendors can be meaningfully compared. The framework also provides technology buyers with a 360-degree assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective vendors.



Read the original release here: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/10/prweb13044152.htm

PR Contact:
Julie Mullins
+1 805 776 3992

In its biggest release since the launch of Workflow, Cormant-CS 8 focuses on intuitive ergonomic design to save users time, a scarce resource in data centre and IT management.

San Luis Obispo, Calif., USA – (Sept 17, 2015) – Cormant, Inc., a data center infrastructure management (DCIM) pure-play expert, today announced the release of version 8, the most ergonomic, intuitive version of its Cormant-CS DCIM software. The introduction of enhanced Alerts combined with the navigability of the new infrastructure console and the full HTML5 interface empowers users of all experience levels to efficiently manage their data centers, buildings, IT infrastructure, and connectivity.

“Data center managers are increasingly pressured to drive operational efficiency with limited resources,” said Paul Friday, Cormant CTO. “Cormant-CS 8 augments the user experience by minimizing the number of clicks needed in the software while taking advantage of all the previous benefits achieved, such as data accuracy, inter-disciplinary team communication, and process improvements from Workflow. Form truly follows function in this new version so users can effectively navigate through the software faster than ever before.”

With more than 50+ enhancements, Cormant-CS 8 is the biggest release since introducing Workflow over a year ago. Some key new features and enhancements include:

Built-in, configurable, subscribable, and visual Alerts provide the timely information necessary for proactive management of any data point, such as power, capacity, or even process variables. Subscription options provide the right information to the right people and can be delivered via email, SMS, or API and seamlessly viewable throughout the platform including the dashboard, infrastructure console, asset tree, rack view, plan view, and more.

New Ergonomically-Designed Infrastructure Console
Navigational ease is central to the new console view. Users can bookmark preferred sites, use breadcrumbs, and use the activity pane for quick click access to their most important and recently visited information. The advanced search feature is always available for effective assistance. Alerts are also viewable from within the console view for a seamless experience throughout Cormant-CS.

Responsive HTML5 Interface
The updated web interface is intuitive with full HTML5 responsive design across all platforms and enables additional mobile functionality, beyond simple record updates.

Searchable URL Page Links
Unique URLs allow users to easily share content for team collaboration.

Web UI Overhaul
The Cormant-CS web interface received a dramatic overhaul from login to the dashboard to the infrastructure console (previously described) for a seamless navigational flow that includes the incorporation of actionable Alerts.

The advancements in the new Cormant-CS DCIM version 8 continue to help efficiently track and optimize all IT infrastructure and processes in data centers, buildings, and campuses. Cormant-CS is used by over 250 organizations on 6 continents, including 3 of the top 10 global banks and 2 of the top 5 telecommunications organizations.

For a free demo of the latest release, contact Sales at +1 805 747 4178 or email at sales@cormant.biz.

About Cormant, Inc.
Cormant has been an expert at IT infrastructure management software for the data center (DCIM) and beyond since 2001. Boasting a 94% customer retention rate, Cormant’s solutions are sold globally with customers and partners on six continents encompassing all industries. Cormant is focused on working with customers to improve their management, control and reporting processes by delivering Cormant-CS, a DCIM solution that provides a single-pane-of-glass view to where the physical and logical layers of IT infrastructure meet. Learn more on how Cormant keeps business personal at www.cormant.com and connect with us on LinkedIn.


Read the original release here: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/09/prweb12965925.htm

PR Contact:
Julie Mullins
+1 805 776 3992