
Thank you for not only providing a full audit of all Assets and Connections (copper, fibre, power) for 200+ racks, but also being able to upgrade all of the firmware and security configurations of all ourover 400 PDU’s during Covid !!

You were honest in telling us that our data that had been captured by others was not accurate enough for the details that we were after. It was a refreshing approach and helped us define the exact information that was required moving forward.


One of the main reasons we chose Avantex was that we knew you would be around after the installation was completed, and we would not be fobbed off to a Overseas Help Desk when we most needed it !

We have managed to roll out Cormant-CS regionally (Asia), with the Web Interface being used in our remote sites, due to bandwidth restrictions. The take up from our internal staff has been staggering.

Relocating dispersed data centre infrastructure into state-of-the-art facilities and providing opportunities to improve whole of government ICT infrastructure management.

Cormant-CS has not only replaced our spreadsheets and visio rack layouts, but offers so much more. We now record our power and capacity utilisation in the one package, and provide live reports to both management and the technical teams. What a success story this has worked out to be.

When we started to use the Work Orders module in Cormant-CS, we could not believe how much transparency we had previously lacked, and what equipment would be affected.

We gave you a deadline, and we gave you bad data, but you still managed to give us a full inventory of our two data centres in two weeks! Many thanks for the hard work the boys put in, and for going the extra mile.

We did our research and Avantex were chosen to deliver a solution to record all the infrastructure, assets and connectivity for all of the 130 Government DC’s relocating in to Equinix/Metronode.

We can now manage the MAC’s of our entire campus, including a full history of every change, it’s remarkable!